Growth Business with TreeSoft

Pay as you go

Start business with no cost - with TreeSoft you pay only for the individual features you need, for long as you use them.


Description Price
POS Dashboard (POS) $7 / Month
Menu Online $7 / Month
Inventory Stock Control $3 / Month
Goods Receipt $7 / Month
Goods Issue
Goods Transfer
Lot $12 / Month
Serial $12 / Month


Free Price
Admin (Register account / owner) Free Free
Users (Create by admin) 1 user 1 user / $7 / Month
Warehouse 2 warehouses 1 warehouse / $9 / Month
Storefront 1 branch 1 branch / $12 / Month


  • Admin and first user is free. a user is an employee who accesses the system, such as purchasing, sales, or warehouse management. user permissions can be configured for each user

Storage and Add-on:

Description Free Price
Storage Records 50,000 records 1 record / $0.0000050 / Month
Files 250 MB 1 MB / $0.00025 / Month
Add-on Line Messaging 50 messages / month 1 message / $0.01
Mailing 100 emails / month 1 email / $0.005
Generate QR Code for Menu Online 20 QR Codes / month 1 QR Code / $0.02

Free Trial 30 Days

No limitation of features by using in free version.

Service Fees

Use first, pay later. Invoice will be created automatically on the 1st of the month.

Payment Methods

Able to pay with any payment methods at anytime and anywhere

Our Users

TreeSoft - ERP

Best software to run a business. Free trial 30 days.